Friday, June 09, 2006

Also appears at Myspace

Tip for happiness: See pictures in the clouds.on my way home from work on Thursday, I saw a sperm whale, a funny hat, and a cloud bank that looked like coral caves.

I had a dream Wednesday night that Jeff and I were walking in the woods and found an abandoned town. There were old railroad tracks running through it. As we were looking in the windows of abandoned houses, there was one house with really nice old antique looking furniture in it. The door was open, so we went in to check it out. Then we found people in the house. At first they were all young kids, ranging from age 4 or 5 up to age 16. There were probably a dozen of them. They were sitting at a big table, eating a meal. Once we saw the people, the house looked more poor and dingy. I wanted to hide from them and sneak out of the house, but I think Jeff wanted to observe them. We found the kitchen of the house, and there was an older woman there. The kitchen was a very small room, the appliances looked older, like they were from the 50's or 60's. The woman seemed to be in her late forties or early fifties, but she had kind of an ageless quality. She was cooking for all the kids, and working online. She sold things on E-bay, things she found, and things she made. We talked to her for a while (can't remember what about) and we were about to leave when a short, fat, dark-haired man came in. He was yelling at the woman in another language, either Spanish or Italian maybe. He seemed greasy and dirty and he was wearing a stained tank top and pants that were unbuckled. I think he was drunk. He pulled out a gun and was going to shoot the woman. We tried to stop him and he turned the gun at us, and Jeff took it away from him, quick as a flash. We started to run away, and the man had another gun. He was shooting at us, and I ran behind Jeff, trying to protect him from the bullets. The last part of the dream I remember was jumping on Jeff's back.

Definitely a strange dream, and one I think I want to examine the symbols of more. I think the woman with all the children was a Crone/Goddess symbol. She lived in an old house, in an abandoned town, with old appliances, but her livelihood was thoroughly modern. I'm not sure what the man was supposed to symbolize. I think they were the most important things in the dream, considering that even almost 12 hours after waking up, many of the details about them are fresh in my mind.

Merry Part and Blessed Be!

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