Thursday, September 30, 2004


Last day of the week.... aaahhh....

Tomorrow is the first of my 3 showers. As my new Aunt Sue put it, "For two people who didn't want a lot of fuss..." But this first one is just a BBQ at the hospital. It should be fun. Those people Jeff works with are a lot of fun to be around.

I am getting excited about the party. Tomorrow I'm going to talk to Denise Dashner about my wedding cake. Ah, my favorite part of any meal - dessert.

I am also pretty psyched about role-playing this weekend, we missed a week of Mage and I missed playing. Plus I can't wait to get into those books I got in last week's Buffy game.

Well, still at work. Blessed Be and Merry Part!

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

So we got the car

Jeff and I have a 2004 Dodge Neon now. :) The weekend was busy with role-playing. I really really really liked meeting my dad in the Buffy game Sunday night Paul. Can you please tell me how to spell his name?

They gave me a big cubicle at work. This doesn't neccessarily mean I'm not losing my job though. Adelphia is more than dumb enough to have us switch desks and computers around, even if we are being let go at the end of October.

Less than a month til my wedding! :)

Oh - neat customer name - Teagan Wolfe

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