Saturday, June 03, 2006

Quote From The Break-Up

Gary: There's a really big gap between getting your ass kicked and having a dancing, singing sprite fool you with trickery and then strike your throat before you know that you're even *in* a fight.

I think I need to see this movie. I love Vince Vaughn. Wedding Crashers was very funny, even though I don't care much for Owen Wilson. The best parts for me were with Vince Vaughn's character and the funny little psychotic, nymphomaniac redhead he hooks up with.

Gloria Cleary: Don't ever leave me!
Jeremy Grey: Ever.
Gloria Cleary: Good. 'Cause I'd find you!

Jeremy Grey: Gloria, I've been doing a lot of soul searching recently, and I think I'm ready to take this relationship, our relationship to the next level.
Gloria Cleary: Jeremy, I am so ready to take it to the next level.
Jeremy Grey: Really?
Gloria Cleary: Yeah. Do you want to watch me with another girl? How about those Brazilian twins we met at the ball game?
Jeremy Grey: I was thinking more along the lines of an engagement.
Gloria Cleary: Oh Jeremy, I do!
Jeremy Grey: I love you.
Gloria Cleary: I love you.

That's all for today. Only 4 more blog posts til we celebrate our 200th entry!

Merry Part and Blessed Be!

Friday, June 02, 2006


I'm considering using this blog as a dream journal. It would be getting back more to the original thought behind the blog, which was to record all witchy type events. There haven't been any witchy events lately, although I've been using my quiet time on the mornings where Jeff and I both work to ground and center, and align myself. In certain traditions of the Craft (Primarily Feri and Reclaiming and their shoot-offs), it is believed that the soul and aura are made up of 3 parts. When all three parts are in alignment, it's easier to understand messages being communicated from one part to another, and it's the best state from which to do any spellwork. But I've rambled a bit here, and the Three Souls takes up entire chapters in books, which I don't want to re-write here. Maybe I'll write up my own version of it, and post it at a later date.

Anyway, back to dream blogging. Last night I had a dream that Jeff and I were at a hospital. I think we were visiting Jess and the baby. Lacy and Jay showed up for a surprise visit. I think we saw Kim Finnigan (now Gutshall) at the hospital too, I remember Lacy and I giving her a big sandwich hug. Then Jeff and I sat with Lace and Jay in a kitchen with an island and stools and ate crackers and cheese. That's all I remember of that dream. At some point early this morning. I had a dream about a cake. It was a layer cake covered in white icing, and it had bright purple violets as decoration.

Well, I'm supposed to finish this now so I can play World Of Warcraft. I hope all your dreams were pleasant ones Merry Part and Blessed Be!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Congratulations are in order!

Attention, attention! My dear friends, Jess and Frosh, are having their first child! I am so excited and happy for them!! Everyone please send out good thoughts for a easy pregnancy and delivery for Jess and a beautiful, healthy baby or two! (Twins run in both their families!)

I'm going to be an Aunt!

Oh, I am so excited!

Merry Part and Blessed Be!

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Weekend Plans

I worked the past two mornings and kept the emails caught up. This afternoon sometime Jeff and I are driving to West Hickory to visit my family. Tomorrow's is Keely Jo's 24th birthday, and my mom is having a party. I picked up a 3 pack of older Brooks and Dunn CD's for her from Wal-Mart for about $15. It's a bad idea to spend a lot of money of CDs for her, as she has a tendency to scratch them. So I'm pretty excited about that, I'll get to see my Aunt Ann and her family, and other relatives I haven't seen since Christmastime.

Jeff and I went to Olean yesterday, had lunch at Friendlys and went to see the new X-Men movie. Though it had some cool parts, a lot of it was disappointing. Some of our favorite characters really got the shaft in this one, story wise. I won't go into too much detail in case anyone's planning to see it. I'll just say to stay after the credits, there's another short scene, that gives us hope for maybe a better fourth movie, if they do another one. From reading on the web, the problem seems to be that this one had a different director than the first two.

Well, I should really get the house picked up and finish packing since we're going away. I hope everyone has a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend, drive safe if you're traveling.

Merry Part and Blessed Be!

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