Thursday, August 26, 2004

Here is a good website

And here is a sample from it - And by the way, these are good reasons for EVERYONE to vote, not just Pagans. You still have time, get registered! There are a lot of places online you can download the forms and mail them in. It costs $0.37 if you do, and who knows what it will cost us all if George W. stays in office another four years!

Getting off my soapbox now, here's the stuff and the link:

13 Reasons Why Pagans Should Vote

Because Voting is Very Pagan!
Many of us come from proud traditions that used a Council and other forms of the voting process to make decisions. Native Americans, Vikings, the Greeks, and other Pagan cultures valued this right highly, and fought to keep it.
Voting is an ancient Pagan tradition. Apathy, on the other hand, is a modern invention – it suits those in power very well indeed, but it disempowers you!

Because Pagans Know Our History:
It’s easy to say, “Never again the burning times”, but actions speak louder than words. Let them know we mean it. Vote!

Because The Opposition Votes…A Lot:
Our government was designed for citizen participation. If you don't vote, other people are going to make the decisions for you. There are people out there who hate us, and who want to take away our rights and freedoms. They are organized, they are active, and they vote. What about you?

Because Pagans Honor Our Ancestors:
They fought long and hard for the freedoms we have today. Let us respect this heritage and use the rights they won for us all.

Because Pagans Have Strong Opinions:
If you are eligible to vote, but choose not to, no one should ever have to listen to you whine about the laws and policies of this country. Don’t vote? Don’t Complain!

Because Lighting a Candle Isn’t Enough:
The last Presidential Election proved that every vote matters.

Because “The Supremes” Matter:
The next President will appoint the next (2 - 3) members of the U.S Supreme Court. They dictate what freedoms stay and what freedoms are eliminated by their interpretation of the Constitution. These people have a direct (and final!) say in issues that affect us all

Because “Everything She Touches, Changes”:
Most politicians think that Pagans are a bunch of apathetic wing nuts who never vote. Why then, should they listen to us? But they watch “voting trends” the way a hawk watches a rabbit. Groups who are known to vote on certain issues (like the so-called “Soccer Moms”) have political power which they can use to promote positive change for other like-minded citizens. That said, Pagans do not all have to vote the same way or even vote as a group. What matters is that they know we're out there and that we vote.

Because the Personal is Political:
Elected Officials make decisions on things that matter to us personally like the environment, jobs, reproductive freedom, education, and health care. Voting is your chance to tell them what you want.

Because “As Above, So Below” is Also True in Politics:
The Federal & State government decides who gets to benefit from the tax dollars we all pay. Politicians control these purse strings, and they hand down money from above for things like collage loans, animal shelters, libraries, breast cancer research, and more. Make sure that the causes and services you care about get funded. Vote!

Because Voting = The Power To Make Social Change:
Don’t believe us? Take a look at women's lives before they had the power of the vote, and see how different things are now. Then look at the struggle for civil rights (including the right to vote) by people of color No one handed their rights to these folks – they had to demand them. And many were beaten, jailed, and killed in the process.

Today, people in other countries are literally dying for the chance to vote because they know how important it is. Social change is only possible when we stand up to be counted. So stand up!

Because We Want “No Taxation Without (Equal) Representation”:
In Congress only 13 percent of the members are people of color, and only 14 percent are women. Want to change that ratio? Vote!

Because That Sound You Hear is a Culture Clash:
Right now, there are two major political parties in the U.S. These parties see the world in very different ways and each will make different decisions. Their choices will directly affect your future. Meanwhile, minority opinions still struggle to be heard.

Question: Who gets to decide what direction we take?

Answer: Only voters decide.

Merry Part and Blessed Be!

Rings -n- Things

Well, it's money spending time again. I just pre-ordered the new Anita Blake Vampire Hunter book that's due out at the end of September. It's called Incubus Dreams. The titles, and the books, are getting successively more erotic. While I think this is a good thing, there are those that disagree.

Tomorrow I'm going to order our wedding bands from Walker Metalsmiths. They will be going on the credit card. We had Jeff's finger measured today and he's an 11 1/2. My ring size is a 5 1/2. Me with my little tiny carnie hands.

We're also going to see Exorcist the Beginning. The previews on the Internet looked interesting, even though I've never seen the movies that this is a prequel to.

And all the Pitt kids will be back Saturday. I'm excited about role-playing again.

ANd that's all for now, Michelle lent me a good book when I stopped to see her the other day, so I'm going to get back to that until it's time to leave for the movie.

Blessed Be and Merry Part!

PS - And aren't links fun?

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

No Books!

I got to work today and realized I didn't have the books I'm reading in the car. All I had were the two books of Michelle's I'm trying to return, and an old black notebook. The notebook had ideas I had come up with for Mage characters and story seeds using the Mage Tarot deck. Some of them were kind of interesting. (3 of Questing, King of Dynamism, 5 of Primordialism Inverted = An African Dreamspeaker who is an Umbral warrior. He defeats spirits of plague and disease in his homeland)
It made me considering trying to run a whole plot using the Mage Tarot, but we don't have a time slot open for the fall. Maybe when Paul burns out from running two campaigns and being in the play, I'll have a chance then. ;) (And Paul, when Kevin showed Lacy, Jeff and I the new theater I got in a plug for you, "Well, we always come see anything that Paul is in.")

I also started writing a little fairy tale on my 15 minute break. I've got about a paragraph so far, maybe I'll post it if it gets interesting.

Not too much going on here. I've fallen off the meditation wagon again. I'm just so tired, and every second I have to spend with Jeff is too precious to send him away. If I could, I would spend all day with my skin touching his, just revelling in how wonderful it feels to be this in love.

And now that I've been extremely sappy for the day, I'll end this here. Merry Part and Blessed Be.

Monday, August 23, 2004

Weekend Update

My brother Tom's wedding was Friday. They had the worst possible weather for it. it thundered and poured all through the ceremony. The tent that we were all in (it was an outside wedding, of course) had a fold that kept filling up with water and it had to be emptied constantly throughout the ceremony. They emptied into a big bucket and it sounded like a giant was taking a leak. The food was okay. The food at my party will be much better, of course ;-). But most of all it was a bummer because my whole family was there, and not one of us was excited to be there. You could feel a gaping absence of the happy buzz that usually surrounds a wedding. I think everyone was thinking their own version of, "This isn't a good idea." Neither Tom or his wife have finished college yet, and now Tom's completely cut himself off from our family. I don't think he would have cared if we didn't show up at all. :(

Saturday was a really good day though. Jeff and I went to a picnic at his Aunt Sue's house in St Marys. Jeff's cousin Kim and her daughter Andy were up from Virginia. We sat around a fire all day, and made s'mores. It was really relaxing, especially after the emotional suckfest of Friday.

Interesting customer name of the day: Berylyn - it sounds sort of elven, doesn't it?

Merry Part and Blessed Be

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