Friday, August 28, 2009

My Horoscope for today

From, via IGoogle

"Every now and then, the universe steps in, makes an executive decision, and forces you to take a right when you were absolutely sure you'd be taking a left. This is one of those times, and as sensitive as you are, you'll realize it as soon as you open your eyes this morning. So when you end up someplace you weren't supposed to be anywhere near, chatting with someone you feel an immediate affinity towards, you'll get it. You were supposed to meet."

Today doesn't feel like that day to me, but who knows by the end of it? I've definitely felt that way a lot of days. Like someone is put in your path for a purpose. There are signs, and the universe, Gods, Goddesses, whatever you choose to call them, try to point us in the right direction and teach us, with signs, and advice from friends, etc. But sometimes we're stubborn, or we think we know better than the Gods, and that's when things get taken out of our hands.

I'm reading All One Wicca by Kaatryn MacMorgan-Douglas. It's pretty interesting so far. Very down to earth, easy to read, with a sense of humor.

Church of Universal Eclectic Wicca Affirmation of Faith (can be found in All One Wicca and at the CUEW website)

The Affirmation of Acknowledgment:

I: I acknowledge the presence of other faiths on my planet, indeed, right here in my city/town/village. I acknowledge that the followers of these faiths feel as strongly, maybe more so, than I do about mine.

II: I forgive the other faiths and wipe clean the slate between us. I cannot hold a person responsible for the acts of their faith, I cannot hold a faith at fault for individual practitioners. It is not my place to convert, or otherwise alter a person's religion. I invite discussion of beliefs without judgment of those holding them.

III: I acknowledge that I may be wrong, and I have found comfort in the fact that I may be right.

I personally really like part III. You don't have to be wrong for me to be right. I don't have to stomp what another person believes into the ground for me to take comfort in my faith.

In other news, Duamuteffe has started and Etsy shop. Please check it out!

Buy adorable handmade stuff!

Merry Part and Blessed Be!

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