Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I wish it were fall already

I know it was officially Fall yesterday, and Happy Mabon/2nd Harvest/Autumn Equinox to all. But I wish the weather would act like it. I want to wear sweaters and drink tea and bundle up. But it's going to be in the low 70's again today. I want to find one of those long sweater coats to wear to work. I almost got one at Burlington two Saturdays ago, but the sleeves were too short. Not a three quarter length either, just too short to cover my bony little wrists.

I am going to work out today. I know instead of bitching about the nice weather I should take a walk, but if I do that I'll be gone longer than expected. I also have things I need to accomplish around the house this morning. So it will be Yoga, and maybe belly-dance too if I'm feeling froggy. Although if I overdo it, I won't be able to work out Friday, so it would probably be wiser just to do one or the other. I need the endorphins from the exercise. I've been having a hard time getting up in the morning lately and work is stressing me out. We're going to have training after training until almost Christmas to handle the expected call volume for AJ Prindle. So I know I am just a touch depressed, I recognize the symptoms. I just need to get off my ass and do something about it. When exercise is a regular part of my routine, I don't feel like this. I also need to get some writing done. The story I want to submit is due by October 1st, and I don't know what has happened to September. I know how I want the story to end, I just need to actually make myself sit down and finish it. I hope writing this nice long blog entry has kick started my creative juices this morning.

Mmm Juice... gotta go get something to drink, then get started. Working 12:30-9 PM today. My friend Harriet will be talking to customers for the first time today, so I will be excited to hear about that when I get to work.

Merry Part and Blessed Be!

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