Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I don't want to be crucified with a spork

But this is what Jeff says the Jehovah's Witnesses and probably the Mormons too, will do to me if I buy this beautiful item from Pyramid Collection and hang it on my front door.

But with my last witches leaving Bradford, how else am I supposed to find new witchy friends? I really wish I could go to Erie for more circles, but driving an hour and a half after work and getting home late to get up early the next day just doesn't appeal to me. I really wish I had a space to myself to practice in. It doesn't bother me being a solitary Wiccan, but I feel like I don't practice enough. It's one of the reasons I want a house. I could take a corner of the basement or small room, set my altar up in there and leave it. When I want to work, I can go in, close the door, turn music on, and not worry about being interrupted. If it had an attic, maybe I could even burn incense a little, since the smoke and the smell would rise up and not float around the house to suffocate my poor hubby's allergies.

Wow, that is not where I expected the title of this entry to lead me. It's funny what happens when you just start writing.

Merry Part and Blessed Be!


Chris said...

hello. It's been a few years since I've spoken for any length with anyone from Bradford or the SAS. This is Christine Zeitler, BTB. I recently had an interview for a job in Bradford, and was looking at houses online. If you are willing to do some fixing there is a two story with seven rooms for sale listed for 14,900.
That's the link. Hope to see you around. ( if you want to chat.)
Ladies blessings.

A Magical Legacy: A Sims 3 Supernatural Legacy Challenge said...

Yeah, we're not too handy, so no fixer-uppers. Good to hear from you! I hope the job interview went well. :-)

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