Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Okay, 2 weeks since my last post

Happy Samhain to all! It's been a busy two weeks. On Sunday the 22nd, I went down home and saw my family. I saw my Mom and Dad and Keely, and I also went up to the farm to see Bummy, Pappap, Allison and Grey. I got to watch them split wood. It looked like hard work. I did help Bummy load the wood onto the pick up, so I wasn't a complete slacker. Then I went with Al and Grey out to Megin's house where I got to meet her beautiful baby girl and catch up. I haven't seen Megin since I was in college, and that's been a long time. We had a very nice visit, and were amused by the antics of her cats. I wonder if the kitten has told Megin its name yet. I also learned that baby + kitten = too cute for words.

I worked the next week. Then Friday the 27th was Jeff and I's second wedding anniversary. We had a nice day, and we had lunch together at Beefeaters before leaving for Lebanon. We stayed wtih Lacy and Jay. Friday night we had a great dinner. I got to have Lacy's stuffed shells, which were out of this world. She also made Jeff a yummy steak, since he's not big on Italian food. We need to keep an eye out for Lea and Perrin's steak sauce now. We have their worcestershire around here, but we didn't see the steak sauce when we went to Wal-Mart. On Saturday, we went to the PA Renaissance Faire at the Mt. Hope Winery and bought a new sword and a case of Concord. We didn't stay for the pirate auction because it was cold, and we already had what we came for. This time we bought the actual licensed replica rather than the knock-off. Then when we got home, I went on Ebay and bought the other Lord of the Rings sword I wanted, the Riders of Rohan sword. The new sword should be coming tomorrow according to UPS. I'm very excited to see it. On Monday and Tuesday night, we watched the extended releases of Two Towers (Monday) and Return of the King (last night) After seeing Eowyn kill the Witchking with my sword, I am eager to get my hands on it.

Once we have both swords, I will post a picture of them.

On Halloween, we lit our pumpkins and handed out candy. I do plan to spend some time with my tarot cards today to get a feel on the year. Having just dealt with Grandma Dot's death with the memorial service on the 15th of this month, I just didn't feel up to doing a full Samhain ritual. But I will ask for the help of the Ancestors and Mighty Ones when I do my reading later. I recently finished reading Witchcraft Today by Gerald Gardner. The concept of the Mighty Ones (Witches that have reached the point where they no longer reincarnate but stay in the Summerlands and act as guardians and guides) seems more concrete to me after reading it. I definitely think Gardner, and also Victor Anderson, who started Feri Witchcraft, could be among those powers. But I also think that Gardner had such a love of life he might have wanted to give it one more go, just to see how what he started is developing.

I think that's enough of a catch up for now. Sorry to go so long between posts. I start back to work tomorrow, so at least I can do short updates from there.

Merry Part and Blessed Be!

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