Friday, June 16, 2006

Ballerina Bitch-kova

This was Frosh's answer to a Trivial Pursuit question regarding which ballerina said, when she knew she was dying "Get the swan costume ready" He came over yesterday after class and hung out til Jess got out of work. We had burgers and played Trivial Pursuit. I won, Jeff says because we ran out of time. But I had all six pie pieces and was sitting in the middle. I just had to answer one question of the guys' choosing. We also played a lot of World of Warcraft yesterday. Our Undead are now 21-22, and my hunter is level 49 now.

I had a flying dream this morning, which was great. I've kind of trained myself that when something strange happens to the car I'm in a dream , I know I'm dreaming and can get out. So when the Neon was on a roof in Pittsburgh, I just got out and watched it roll off, and disappear before hitting the street. Then I felt all light, almost like what I imagine an out-of-body experience would feel like. Then I was dipping and soaring, and running all around a city. I saw a hot dog vendor, and all kinds of stores. It was great, just to feel free of by body, to be able to move however I wanted.

I also remembering dreaming about walking up a snowy road with 2 other people. I was wearing my leopard print slippers and pajamas. I wasn't cold, except for where snow was getting into my slippers.

I also dreamed that I had rented a condo with Jeff, and I think Jess and Frosh, and all kinds of people I knew from college and high school. Lacy, Jay, Mike and Erin showed up, along with some people I was in marching band with, like Kristy Surles and my good friend Steve Reitz. It was kind of neat. I was introducing everyone around, and it was really crowded but everyone seemed to be having a good time.

Okay, I posted, now I get to play Warcraft. Merry Part and Blessed Be everyone!

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