Monday, August 23, 2004

Weekend Update

My brother Tom's wedding was Friday. They had the worst possible weather for it. it thundered and poured all through the ceremony. The tent that we were all in (it was an outside wedding, of course) had a fold that kept filling up with water and it had to be emptied constantly throughout the ceremony. They emptied into a big bucket and it sounded like a giant was taking a leak. The food was okay. The food at my party will be much better, of course ;-). But most of all it was a bummer because my whole family was there, and not one of us was excited to be there. You could feel a gaping absence of the happy buzz that usually surrounds a wedding. I think everyone was thinking their own version of, "This isn't a good idea." Neither Tom or his wife have finished college yet, and now Tom's completely cut himself off from our family. I don't think he would have cared if we didn't show up at all. :(

Saturday was a really good day though. Jeff and I went to a picnic at his Aunt Sue's house in St Marys. Jeff's cousin Kim and her daughter Andy were up from Virginia. We sat around a fire all day, and made s'mores. It was really relaxing, especially after the emotional suckfest of Friday.

Interesting customer name of the day: Berylyn - it sounds sort of elven, doesn't it?

Merry Part and Blessed Be


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, sis- I'm sure he'll come around eventually. #hugs#

A Magical Legacy: A Sims 3 Supernatural Legacy Challenge said...

Thanks, Al. I hope you read the updated entry for today, so you know that the weekend wasn't all bad. Love you pack sis!

Anonymous said...

Just got that bit today, actually- glad to know the weekend wasn't a total loss.

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