Tuesday, August 24, 2004

No Books!

I got to work today and realized I didn't have the books I'm reading in the car. All I had were the two books of Michelle's I'm trying to return, and an old black notebook. The notebook had ideas I had come up with for Mage characters and story seeds using the Mage Tarot deck. Some of them were kind of interesting. (3 of Questing, King of Dynamism, 5 of Primordialism Inverted = An African Dreamspeaker who is an Umbral warrior. He defeats spirits of plague and disease in his homeland)
It made me considering trying to run a whole plot using the Mage Tarot, but we don't have a time slot open for the fall. Maybe when Paul burns out from running two campaigns and being in the play, I'll have a chance then. ;) (And Paul, when Kevin showed Lacy, Jeff and I the new theater I got in a plug for you, "Well, we always come see anything that Paul is in.")

I also started writing a little fairy tale on my 15 minute break. I've got about a paragraph so far, maybe I'll post it if it gets interesting.

Not too much going on here. I've fallen off the meditation wagon again. I'm just so tired, and every second I have to spend with Jeff is too precious to send him away. If I could, I would spend all day with my skin touching his, just revelling in how wonderful it feels to be this in love.

And now that I've been extremely sappy for the day, I'll end this here. Merry Part and Blessed Be.

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