Thursday, October 07, 2004

Pajama Day!

Today is PJ Day at Adelphia. I'm wearing my Tigger and Pooh pajama bottoms and a T-shirt. Jeff thought I was silly. But pass up the chance to be this comfy at work all day? No way Jose. Of course, now I feel like taking a nap instead of working. But really, how is that different from any other day? :)

I also booked a hotel for us in Niagara Falls for the two nights after our wedding. A reminder here to friends to please get your RSVP cards back to my mom ASAP please. We need to know how many of you to feed.

Feeling a little down this week, I've got an unwelcome guest who's here til Monday or Tuesday. I am looking forward to role-playing this weekend though. Maybe I should go out and by some Midol or Pamprin. It's suppose to help with the irritability and the mood swings. I know Jeff would appreciate those going away. Hell, so would I. I don't like feeling like one of the patients.

Merry Part and Blessed Be, and see you guys for Vampire tomorrow night.
Oh, and what would be the interest level in getting together to hang out for Halloween?


Anonymous said...

I'm a Midol fan myself, but I've never noticed it doing much about the mood swings or the irritability. For that I cut back on caffeine and start hitting the Calming tea.

Er...Should I just bring my RSVP card along on Saturday? #grins# I've been meaning to put it in the box, but I never seem to get up before the postman goes through, and leaving stuff there overnight is rarely a good idea (leaky, rusty mailbox...)

Anonymous said...


Curious. Did you send us something then, 'cause we haven't gotten it. The mail down here really sucks, they keep losing everything; I've never had such a problem with a post office before.

Anonymous said...

Fred again.

While I'm thinking about it.... I'd like to get some people together for Halloween down at our apartment at Pittsburgh, since none of you guys have seen it and we've lived here 6+ months. Rob expressed an interest in doing something as well. I talked to Ryan, but apparently he works all weekends.

In any case, get back to me via AIM or email, or even call (my phone is under-used since Wendy and I stopped having to talk to each other for hours at a time.)

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