Monday, April 20, 2009

Why is the Internet always finding new ways to occupy my time?

There are blogs to read, facebook to update, myspace to update, NeoPoints to earn, and now, Twitter. It's all Grey's fault really. He jumped into the wonderful world of social networking with both feet, so now I have ended up with a Twitter account as well. The only thing I haven't done is activate it so it can be updated from my phone, because we don't have texting on our cell plan. Plus I'm really bad at texting.

I had a great weekend. I played a lot of World of Warcraft, and yesterday we successfully surprised Kelli with lunch for her birthday. And I just remembered I left my leftovers from lunch yesterday in the fridge at home, instead of bringing them for lunch today as I had intended. Doh! Oh well, it's pasta, I am sure it will be good tomorrow night for dinner, as Jeff has class. The semester is almost over, and we are taking a short break together the first weekend of May.

So sleepy... I wonder if I can convince my boss of the benefits of a siesta?

Buenos dias!

Merry Part and Blessed Be!

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