Tuesday, November 07, 2006


I've picked up Evolutionary Witchcraft and started working again. I'm in the Fire chapter, which works with the Iron Pentacle. The Iron Pentacle explores the balance and flow between sex, pride, self, power and passion. Working on Pride, it asks an interesting question. What are you proud of? I'm supposed to think about this and answer it for myself, and I'm supposed to ask others what they are proud of. It's harder to think about than you think. So often we're told not to toot our own horns. Or that being proud means being arrogant. And it doesn't, not at all. To be proud means that you feel uplifted when you accomplish something. And that is a good feeling to spread around.

I am proud of my marriage. I am proud of my faith. I am proud of my ability to find an apartment in the right location, for the right price. I am proud when I exercise. I am proud when I create ritual. I am proud of how I do my job. I am proud of how fast I can read. I am proud of everything I've learned since graduating college.

What are you proud of? You can leave a comment if you like, or you can post in your own blog, as I know my readers are mostly friends whose blogs I read. You can keep it to yourself if you want, but the purpose of this is to share those good feelings. What are you proud of? Shout it out!

Merry Part and Blessed Be!

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