Monday, October 09, 2006

Alumni Weekend

Lacy and Jay came to visit for Alumni Weekend. The event itself was really disappointing. We didn't see any students we knew. We did get to visit with Dr. Ewert for a little while. But we had a good time visiting. We went to the Paper Factory in Olean and cooked steak, fried potatoes and salad for dinner. We discovered a leaky pipe under our kitchen sink, which then became a missing pipe while the guys were fiddling with it. It was completely rusted through and broke off in Jay's hand. But our landlord came over on Sunday afternoon and fixed it, so all is well. Lacy has been doing the LA Weight Loss program and she looks great. She looked great before, but now she has more confidence and I think she's doing great. It seems like it does take a lot of willpower. She had a LA Weight Loss beverage and fruit for breakfast while Jay, Jeff and I ate bacon and hash browns, but it does seem like they give you enough food options so you are getting what you need and you aren't hungry all the time.

The new neighbors are still ridiculously loud. I think the kid must wear cement baby shoes, because I can't imagine a 2 year old making this much noise just by running. Either that, or she throws herself off of furniture on to the floor. All day long we hear run run run run run run run run BANG! THUD THUD THUD. Last night, it had gotten quieter around 11 PM as per usual, and we were in bed. At midnight it started up again. Jeff went upstairs and said if it continued he'd be calling the landlord whenever it happened. The landlord got to hear some of the noise when he was over fixing the sink, but he didn't say anything to me. At first I thought we just got spoiled from having Troy as a neighbor, and then having the upstairs sit empty for 5 months. Now I just think these people don't care about anyone but themselves, not even their kid, who should have a bed time a lot earlier than 11 PM or midnight.

At work, so I'll end this here. Merry Part and Blessed Be, dear readers!

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