Monday, August 21, 2006

Blogging from NC

Oh help. We went down to the ocean this morning and the ocean stole Jeff's glasses. He and Grant came back up and went to Wal-Mart to try to get a replacement. I'm very worried because normally, it takes his optometrist in St Marys a week to get his lenses made, because of the prescription. I feel guilty even though I know I shouldn't. I feel like he wouldn't have been in the ocean if I hadn't wanted to go. I feel like I should have known it was going to happen. Jeff doesn't blame me, but I am blaming myself. And he and Grant left before we even got back to the house, I had walked down along the beach to meet Wendy, she was asking people to keep an eye out for them. Jess walked along with us too.

I think I'm going to sit outside in the rain (without Grant's laptop, of course) and drink my tea. That suits my mood just now.

If you read this, please add your good thoughts to mine that we can replace his glasses with relative ease.

Update: Grant and Jeff called from Nag's Head. They can get his glasses for us tomorrow. So that is very very good news. Goddess Bless Optometrists in touristy places. this kind of thing must happen a lot down here.

Merry Part and Blessed Be.

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