Monday, March 13, 2006

So I opened up a MySpace account

I discovered some of my little cousins, some random friends from UPB, and a couple people that I haven't seen since high school are on MySpace, so I thought I'd open an account. It seems a little easier to post pictures there, and it has a lot of options. I plan to keep blogging here though. I may just link any interesting things I find in my MySpace account to here.

Anyway, last week was a good week. Wendy and Grant were here from Wednesday night through early Friday afternoon. We played Scene It, made fondue, watched Hellsing, (anime) went to Ellicottville for lunch and shopping (Watson's Chocolates!) and generally enjoyed each other's company. I really, really wish they lived closer. The menfolk played a little World of Warcraft, but I thought they showed remarkable restraint on the whole. Great breakfast Thursday, including Grant's Awesome Mushrooms, which I think I might be able to make on my own now.

Going out to dinner with Jeff tonight at Togi's, I'm going to pick him up at the hospital. Then I'm off for the next 2 days, then I work 7 in a row. We'll see how well this works out.

Oh that's right, I started this blog because Travis sent me this little survey/quiz thingy on MySpace, so I'm answering it here.

My Top 3 Friends

List your top 3
1. Jeff
2. Lacy
3. Allison

Are you older than 2? - no, she's got a year or so on me.

Have you gotten "sexual " with 3? - we've held hands in Wendy's to freak out teenage boys, but I wouldn't say we've gotten sexual

If you were to go to 6 flags would you take 1? - Yes, but I don't think he'd enjoy it.

If you were crying would 3 cheer you up? - Absolutely. That's what sisters are for.

If you found out that 2 and 1 were going out how would you react? - I would be completely pisstorz! - I like Travis's answer here so I'm leaving it.

Which of your top 3 is your best friend? - Jeff is my best friend, I'm lucky he's my husband too!

Have you hugged anyone in your top 3? - All three. I'm a hugger.

How long have you known 3? - In this life? Almost 2 decades, but I believe we've known each other for millenia.

Have you ever wanted to kill number 1 in your top 3? - Not in a few years.

Who have you known the longest? - Allison, since we were 6 and 7, riding the school bus together

Who have you known the shortest? - Jeff and Lacy. I became friends with Lacy less than a year before meeting Jeff. Jeff 6 1/2 years, Lacy about 7.

Who would you want to hang out with next? - Well, I will hang out with Jeff next because we're going out to eat at 8:30, but I would gladly hang out with either of my sisters next. They are both too far away!

Who did you talk to on AIM/MSN/YAHOO with last? - Lacy, and that's been awhile. We don't use chat much.

Who did you go to the movies with last? - Jeff, I think the last thing we saw was Underworld 2.

Who did you comment last? - None of the above, they aren't on MySpace.

Has 3 ever spent the night at your house? - Um, no actually. I've stayed at hers...

When was the last time you talked to 2? - Over a week ago. Should call her.

Do you love any one on your top 3? - All of them. My soulmate and my sisters.

So that's my blog for today. Merry Part and Blessed Be all. Maybe sometime in the next couple days I'll write up my review of Dreaming The Dark, by Starhawk.

1 comment:

Duamuteffe said...

Love you too, sis #hugs#

And as I remember, we did kiss that one time, but that was mainly to freak out the people we were with (silly us- I think it had the exact opposite effect #grins#)

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