Tuesday, September 27, 2005

It has been a long time

I am posting mainly to avoid being accused of not posting for a whole month. It's been an exciting month, our friends at Pitt-Bradford are all back. Jamie and Savannah have been coming over to Belly Dance with me twice a week. I'm role-playing 3 times a week, Mage Dark Ages on Monday, Buffy the Vampire Slayer on Wednesdays and Fridays Jeff is running a 2nd Edition D&D game.

Work is going pretty well, but I'm still I'm going to take the Post Office exam in Brookville next week. I'm pretty excited about that, Getting in the post office would mean a lot more money for me. They make enough I could even work part-time and maybe go back to school at some point. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

In Wiccan news, I went to the Second Harvest (or Mabon, or Fall Equinox) with Michelle, Jamie and Savannah last Wednesday. We had a lot of fun, I have missed going out there for the rituals. I really I hope at some point I can get down to Warren. There is a Hellenic Reconstructionist group that has rituals all the time down there. I've been on their email list for at least a year, and I've never made it to one yet.

I'm getting back into Evolutionary Witchcraft by T. Thorn Coyle again. I am working on making a wand. Wands have always seems kind of... I don't know, too fanciful for me. But I am giving it my best. Maybe through the exercises I will understand why people spend a lot of money on that particular ritual tool.

Anyway, Jeff and I are going to dinner with his family this evening in Smethport.

Merry Part and Blessed Be!

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