Friday, August 06, 2010

In Nebraska!

I can't believe I'll have been here 3 weeks as of this Sunday. I've had a few job interviews, and sent out more applications. Keep sending out those positive vibes for me!

I am enjoying exploring my new town. Folks in Lincoln love to eat, there are so many restaurants here, including at least 4 sushi places. I've also had Indian food, and ice cream at Ivanna Cone, which seems to be a Lincoln landmark. I've also been using my Wii Fit again, feeling in a lot better shape than I was when I left New York. And it's been wonderful getting to see my sweetheart on a regular basis. I am indescribably happy.

I am also trying to meet other Pagan/witchy folk in the area. I've checked out the local store, Here and Back Again, and the owners are very nice. The store's second anniversary was last weekend. They had a psychic faire and I had a tarot reading and a photo of my aura taken. It was very interesting and informative.

Merry Part and Blessed Be!

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