Thursday, October 16, 2008

Getting ready for Samhain

My cool peasant blouse came in the mail via FedEx yesterday. They put in on the front porch where no one goes, so I'm glad it was still there today when I checked the tracking number.

Working tomorrow night again. Tonight I learned that empty stomach + Swedish Fish = SUGAR HIGH. At least I got all my work done. New things are happening everyday with AJ Prindle. It's a very exciting time. Next week we are doing a 1 week training for Orders Only calls for some temps for Smart Smoker and Order Smokes Direct. The class will have 10 people, it should be interesting. 10 women so far.

I've been working more with the Faeries Oracle. Tuesday night I did a trance journey with a faery from one of the cards, the Journeyman, as a guide. We went from my place of power to the beach, walked out into the ocean and then dived deep. The faery gave me a blessing so I could swim well and breath under water. I swam and swam until my arms and legs were tired. Then I found a volcano and the bottom of the ocean. I've been trying to figure out since what it means. Fire hidden in the depths, molten lava cooling and forming a mountain on the ocean floor. I think I am going to look up the goddess Pele, and see where her symbols lead me.

Off to bed soon. Merry Part and Blessed Be!

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