Sunday, July 30, 2006


The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. - George Bernard Shaw

For some reason, I found myself struggling to remember who had said this quote as I work up this morning. Well, who originally said it. I know that MacKenzie Astin's character said it in Dream for an Insomniac, which is one of my favorite movies.

I slept a little longer than I meant to this morning, but I'm pleased with the work I got done yesterday. I emptied the heaping baskets of laundry that were in the bedroom and also started picking up the mess on my side of the bed. Today I want to straighten up the night stand on my side of the bed, try to straighten up the closet a little, and run the vacuum in there. Then hopefully, next weekend maybe, we can shop for the new mattress we've been talking about since we got our tax return.

Yesterday, I also went down to the Community Blood Bank here in Bradford on Davis St, in the same plaza as the Sports Cafe. The women there were very nice, and I was done donating in about half an hour. I'd like to donate again when I'm eligible in September, but I'm still kicking around the idea of getting a new tattoo, and if you get a tattoo or piercing you can't give for a year after. I like giving blood, it's an easy way for me to help other people, as I'm not bothered by needles and I've never (knock wood) passed out or felt more than just a touch light-headed after. Also, if you live in McKean, Elk or Warren counties and you give blood before Labor Day, you are entered into a drawing to win a snow blower!

Merry Part and Blessed Be!

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