Wednesday, March 01, 2006

3rd time's the charm

You know, I've opened up Blogger Dashboard to post twice prior to now, with nothing to say. Still really don't, but I figured what the hey.

We're still working our way through season one of Battlestar Galactica. We just have the last episode to watch now, Kobol's Last Gleaming, part 2. Starbuck just stole the Cylon Raider they had captured and jumped clear back to Caprica, to fetch the mystical thing-a-ma-bobber that's supposed to lead them to Earth. I'm rather annoyed because although I found some cool Battlestar Galactica pictures on IMdB, I can't seem to view them on my computer. They're in bitmap and GIF forms. Anyone who knows a little more about graphics want to point me in the right direction?

I've been playing some World of Warcraft, but I guess I'm really waiting for Jeff to get Slogdenn, his paladin, to level 60, so hopefully we'll have more time to play together as Seersha and Slogdenn. Kharasa, my dwarven hunter, is progressing nicely. I finished up a couple quests in the Wetlands today.

I think I may get offline here and read for a bit. I don't have time to read at work anymore, and I'm still working on reading my new Starhawk book, Dreaming the Dark: Sex, Magic and Politics.

Oh, and also, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire comes out on DVD Tuesday! I'm hoping to get it for Easter. Oh, speaking of holidays I don't celebrate, Ash Wednesday was today, and today was the first Ash Wednesday in a few years I haven't seen anyone sporting the big ash mark on their forehead. Usually the first person I see with it on Ash Wednesday, I just think was clumsy that morning. Then when I see a couple more, I remember that it's the start of Lent, and some people will be giving up things, and only eating fish on Fridays. Note to self: eat a big steak on Friday.

I think that's all for now folks, Merry Part and Blessed Be!


Duamuteffe said...

I dunno, I like the idea of Lent; it's good for people to excercise self-discipline now and again. Most of the Neo-Pagan stuff encourages it for the purpose of ritual, but religions that don't allow their people to use magic tend to have proscriptions that go on all the time, which doesn't allow for much in the way of training time- those are either pass or fail, for the duration of your life. Lent has a specific goal to shoot for, and you get to pick what you give up- kind of a cool idea.

Anonymous said...

Battlestar Galactica hooked me back in back at the beginning of January, and I've been keeping up with it since. Wendy and I were thinking of coming up sometime next week, so drop a line or something so the four of us can work something out.

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