Friday, June 17, 2005

Jeff comes home!!!!

Jeff is coming home today!! He could be arriving ANY SECOND NOW!!! I am so excited!
I don't want to start any projects or anything I may have to stop the second he walks in the door. I can't believe how much I have missed him. well, I guess I can. Maybe I thought I was more independent than that, but I was wrong. And that's fine. Cuz Jeff is coming home!!!

Work was cool today. Because I have one of the lowest talk times on our team, Brian, my Team Leader, had someone on our team who has a high talk time sit with me to see how I do it. So apparently I am doing something very well. I wish I could sit with someone, maybe Ken, to see how to get more autoships and sell more Kentuckys Best. We have an incentive going on, and every carton of Kentucky's Best you sell gets you 15 points. There are lots of other ways to gain points. I really would like to win the first prize, which is a DVD recorder.

I am working the next 3 days, so I will be off Tuesday with Jeff. He's off tomorrow but then back to work Sunday and Monday. Then I am off next Sunday.

I had fun shopping with Allison in Erie on Tuesday, and seeing Jamie on Monday. It was really great to meet Matt Granger, Grey's boss, who Al talks about all the time. He has very cool swords decorating his office wall. How can you not like a guy like that?

I also got to visit with Michelle last night which was cool. Sorry we didn't get a chance to play with the Tarot cards, Michelle. Jeff is working next Thursday til 8:30, and I'll be home about 5 if you wanted to come over for a bit. It will be just a day past the full moon, we could maybe even do a little wee Esbat. (No extensive studying or planning will be necessary)

So even though I missed Jeff oodles, especially at night, It was good to see a lot of friends this week. Merry Part and Blessed Be!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Maybe I thought I was more independent than that, but I was wrong. And that's fine. Cuz Jeff is coming home!!!"

Welcome to my little world... :)

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