Sunday, March 20, 2005

Diet Day 7

Yesterday I fell off the diet wagon a bit because Jeff and I went to Erie with Jess and Frosh. The Krispy Kreme light was on as we were leaving Erie, and if you've never had hot, fresh, straight off the conveyor belt Krispy Kremes... you have no frame of reference to judge me for this moment of weakness. Those doughnuts are like mana from the gods.

I also got a new book, Evolutionary Witchcraft. I think once I finish reading it I'm going to do a review for The Cauldron.

Anyway, at work and it's Sunday, so I'll end this here for now. Sunday also means weigh-in day, I really need to get a more reliable scale, I don't trust this one at work entirely.

Hope you all enjoyed Lord Of The Peeps.

Merry Part and Blessed Be!

Go me! 2 Pounds!

1 comment:

Megin said...

Oh, ye gods- they've actually found a use for those indegestible marshmallow Peeps??? Will wonders never cease? LOL ~Megs

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